Monday, August 20, 2012

Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps got into some hot water (ha ha) when his ad campaign for Louis Vuitton leaked early, possibly violating rules about Olympians endorsing products that are not Olympics-related.  Of  course they're not going to be douchy about it and actually take away his medals.  That would be a public relations DISASTER!  Also, I feel bad that his thunder was basically stolen by the hotter Ryan Lochte, this year.  Here's Michael looking quite hot in an earlier Head and Shoulders ad:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tim Tebow

So I'm torn.  I disagree with EVERYTHING about Tim Tebow.  Hate his politics, hate his bible-thumping, hate this haughtiness.  And yet, DAMN he's hot!  In a way, ogling him is rebellion!  Yeah, that's the ticket!

I'd probably still hit it as long as there was absolutely no conversation.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Tom Daley = Fabulous

Well the Olympics are over and it was a fun fortnight!  (That's British ya'll!)  The Closing Ceremonies were fun and way better than the Opening Ceremonies!  SPICE UP YOUR LIFE!!!  One of the best parts of the Summer Olympics... scantily clad dudes with rockin' bods.  One of the best of those on display this year?  British diver Tom Daley!  Work it, boy!

Bonus... animated GIFS!