I! LOVE!! THE POSTMAN IN THOSE FLAT RATE SHIPPING BOX COMMERCIALS!!! I would hit it in a minute! Like seriously! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE him! There's a cardboard stand up of him at the Post Office and it takes a lot of willpower not to steal it and use it to cuddle with. His real name is Mike Bradecich. Oh that's right! I did RESEARCH! He's apparently an improver as well and starred in and directed a movie last year called The Mole Man of Belmont Avenue. He also did the music for it. Yeah, my love may actually know boundaries in this case. That looks a little... what's the word... terrible? Sorry BB! Anyway, enjoy some of his ad work. I know I certainly do!
Also, is the Asian guy in this commercial in like EVERY commercial? He's got to be the most successful Asian actor in America at this point!
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